Thirteenth Revision: June 2008
Section 1. Name. The name of this organization shall be the “Association of Iowa Archaeologists,” herein referred to as the “AIA.” The principal office and place of business where the records of the association are to be permanently reposed shall be the University of Iowa Office of the State Archaeologist, Iowa City, Iowa.
Section II. Legal Status. The AIA is a non-profit corporation organized under the provisions of the Code of the State of Iowa. In accordance with Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3), the AIA is exempt from Federal income tax. Donors may deduct contributions to the AIA under the provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code. Bequests, legacies, devices, transfers or gifts to the AIA are deductible for Federal estate and gift tax purposes.
Section 1. Mission. The Mission of the AIA shall be to promote and work for the preservation of archaeological properties and the cultural heritage of all people of Iowa.
Section 2. Corporate Charter. The Mission of the AIA shall be consistent with the purposes in the Restated Articles of Incorporation for the Association of Iowa Archaeologists (dated 15 November 1986), which states that the AIA is organized:
…for education and scientific purposes within the meaning of 501(3)(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) to:
- Create and promulgate public understanding and scientific interest in Iowa archaeology through sponsorship of field trips, meetings, and publications on the archaeology of Iowa;
- Develop professional and scientific standards for report preparation, excavation, and curation of archaeological materials recovered in the State of Iowa.
Section 1. Categories of Membership. There shall be four categories of membership in the AIA: Fellow, Student, Adjunct, and Honorary. Membership shall be open to those qualified individuals who wish to avail themselves of the opportunity to participate in setting professional standards regarding the quality and direction of archaeological research and education in Iowa.
Section 1.01. Requirements and Privileges of Fellow. The membership category of Fellow shall be reserved for those individuals who – by virtue of their position with private organizations; local, state, or federal agencies; academic institutions; or other institutions – are professionally engaged in the investigation, conservation, and preservation of Iowa’s archaeological resources. Fellows shall have voting rights on all AIA matters including membership, and shall be eligible to hold office and serve on committees.
Section 1.02. Requirements and Privileges of Student. The membership category of Student shall be reserved for those individuals actively engaged in the pursuit of an associates degree, undergraduate degree, or graduate degree at an accredited institution, and who have a demonstrated interest in Iowa’s archaeological resources. Students shall have voting rights on all AIA matters excluding membership, shall be eligible to serve on committees, but shall not be eligible to hold office. If a Student can demonstrate that they also meet the requirements set forth for Fellows, they may apply for membership at the level of Fellow.
Section 1.03. Requirements and Privileges of Adjunct. Adjunct members are former Fellow members who, for logistical reasons, can no longer fulfill the requirements for Fellow membership but who wish to maintain their association with the organization. Adjunct members shall pay yearly dues, may attend meetings, will be apprised of any significant matters pertaining to the AIA, and will receive all mailings and other disseminated information. Adjunct members relinquish voting privileges and the rights to hold office or serve on committees.
Section 1.04. Requirements and Privileges of Honorary Members. Honorary membership may be conferred upon individuals who have a demonstrable record of service to the AIA or to Iowa archaeology. Nomination of Honorary members shall come from AIA Fellows and shall be confirmed by a majority affirmative vote by AIA members at an annual meeting, provided a quorum is present. Honorary members shall not be required to pay dues and may note vote or hold office in the AIA. Honorary membership may be revoked by a motion from the membership and a majority affirmative vote by AIA members at an annual meeting, provided a quorum is present.
Section 2: Membership Application Process
Section 2.01. Application for Membership as Fellow or Student
a. Applicant shall submit to the Secretary/Treasurer, in electronic format (1) a full vita of unspecified length; (2) a summary vita no more than two pages in length; and (3) a letter of application specifying the category of membership for which application is being made. Applications will be submitted 25 calendar days prior to any scheduled meeting. Consideration of applications received less than 25 calendar days before a scheduled meeting will be deferred until the next scheduled meeting.
b. The Secretary/Treasurer shall circulate application letters and summary vitae to all AIA members. The Secretary/Treasurer shall retain the full vita, which members may consult upon request.
c. All applications that have been circulated prior to any scheduled meeting of the corporation will be discussed and voted upon in a regularly scheduled meeting, providing that a quorum is present and the applicant is attending the meeting. Ballots will be confidential.
d. Applicants will be admitted into the AIA if they receive affirmative vote of two-thirds of the fellows present at the meeting. No proxy votes are allowed.
Section 2.02. Application for Membership as Adjunct
a. A Fellow of the AIA may apply for Adjunct status by sending a written request for change of membership status to the Secretary/Treasurer, explaining therein the circumstances warranting the change of status. All requests for change of status to Adjunct member must be submitted no less than 25 calendar days before a scheduled meeting for inclusion in that meeting’s agenda. b. All requests for Adjunct membership will be voted upon by the Fellows at the next scheduled meeting and require a majority vote to pass. The applicant need not be present at the meeting during which the vote takes place.
c. An Adjunct member may reapply for Fellow status through the established membership application procedure.
Section 3. Dues. The AIA shall establish membership dues for the purpose of financing its business. Dues are payable by June 1 of each year. Dues may be changed by two-thirds vote of a quorum present at a regularly called annual meeting. Any AIA member who fails to pay dues for two consecutive years will be terminated. All members must be members in good standing with the Iowa Archeological Society. Readmission will be allowed through the standard application process.
Section 4. Participation in the AIA. Any Fellow or Student member will be terminated if he or she misses three consecutive regularly scheduled meetings of the AIA. Adjunct and Honorary members shall be excluded from this requirement. Readmission will be allowed through the standard application process.
Section 1. Officers and Duties. The officers of the AIA shall be President, the President-Elect, the immediate Past President, and the Secretary/Treasurer. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the AIA.
Section 1.01. Duties of the President. The President shall be responsible for the overall coordination of AIA activities and affairs. The President shall represent the AIA as a whole when so authorized by the membership, except in emergency situations wherein the President shall be empowered to speak for the AIA with assistance and approval of the Board of Directors. The President shall convey all records, correspondence, and property of the AIA to the Secretary/Treasurer.
Section 1.02. Duties of the President-Elect. The President-Elect shall maintain continuity of the AIA by working closely with the President and other elected officers. The President-Elect shall assume the office of the President at the end of the annual meeting one year after being elected.
Section 1.03. Duties of the Past President. The immediate Past President shall maintain continuity of the AIA by working closely with the President and other elected officers. The President shall assume the office of Past President at the end of the annual meeting after serving the term of President.
Section 1.04 Duties of the Secretary/Treasurer. The Secretary/Treasurer shall receive dues and deposit them in an account in the name of the AIA, and shall disperse funds from this account as necessary to conduct the business of the AIA. The Secretary/Treasurer shall provide an accounting at the annual meeting of the receipts, expenses, and financial condition of the AIA. The Secretary/Treasurer shall furthermore maintain an up-to-date list of members, record and distribute the minutes of all AIA meetings, keep copies of the bylaws and all standing rules and records of the AIA, send notice of all meetings to members, and convey all records, correspondence, and property of the AIA to his/her successor.
Section 2. Nomination Procedures and Time of Election. The Board of Directors shall solicit nominations from the membership for candidates to the offices to be filled by election at the annual meeting. Before elections at the annual meeting, nominations from the floor shall be permitted.
Section 3. Elections and Term of Office. The office of President-Elect shall be elected annually at a regular meeting of the AIA and shall serve in accordance with the procedures outlined above in Article IV, Section 1.02. The office of the Secretary/Treasurer shall be elected for a three-year term at a regular meeting of the AIA, with the term beginning at the start of the fiscal year. Each officer shall serve the term designated. A simple majority of a quorum shall constitute an election. No member shall hold more than one office at a time, and no member shall be eligible to serve two consecutive terms in the same office.
Section 1. Board Composition. The officers of the AIA plus two individuals elected to the board from the membership at large shall constitute the Board of Directors.
Section 2. Board’s Duties and Powers. The Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the AIA between its annual meetings, shall determine the time and location of meetings, shall make recommendations to the AIA, and shall perform other duties as are specified by these bylaws. The Board shall be subject to the orders of the AIA, and none of its actions shall conflict with actions taken by the AIA.
Section 3. Board Meetings. The Board shall meeting annually between regularly scheduled annual meetings at a place determined by consultation among the Board members. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President and shall be called upon the written request of three members of the Board.
Section 1. Annual Meeting. A meeting of the AIA shall take place annually at a time and location selected by the Board of Directors. Notice of the meeting with an agenda shall be issued to the membership 60 days prior to the meeting.
Section 2. Quorum. One-third of the voting membership of the AIA shall constitute a quorum.
Section 3. Emergency Meetings. Emergency meetings may be called by the Board of Directors.
Section 4. Communications. Electronic communication via e-mail or other means of electronic exchange shall be acceptable for conducting the business of the AIA. Such communication shall not substitute for the annual meeting. Those members without access to such means of communication shall be apprised of AIA business by letter delivered by means of a mail service.
Committees, standing or special, shall be constituted as the AIA or Board of Directors deem necessary to carry out the work of the AIA. Committee members shall be selected from the membership of the AIA, and the chair of the committee shall be appointed by the President.
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall guide the AIA in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order the AIA may adopt.
These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the AIA by a two-thirds vote of a membership quorum, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing to the membership for their consideration 60 days before a regularly scheduled meeting.